Raigarh, September 14, 2022 / During the second phase of his ‘Bhent-Mulaqat Abhiyan’, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for 13 different development works worth Rs 205.14 crore in Kharsia assembly constituency of Raigarh district today. This includes inauguration of 8 works built at a cost of Rs 19.19 crore and the foundation stone laying ceremony of 5 works to be constructed at a cost of Rs 185.95 crore.
The works inaugurated by Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel during the programme include two road construction works by Chhattisgarh Rural Road Development Agency at a cost of Rs 11.33 crore, strengthening of Turekela-Halahuli road by Public Works Department at a cost of Rs 5.88 crore, construction of high school building in Barbhauna by Education Department at a cost of Rs 75 lakh, Hamar Lab and Blood Bank by Public Health and Family Welfare Department at a cost of Rs 91 lakh, construction of a new building in Mura for Government Ayurveda dispensary at a cost of Rs 16 lakh by the Department of Ayurved and construction of a new building in Halahuli for Homeopathy dispensary.
Similarly, the Chief Minister laid the foundation stone for the construction of a high school building by the Public Works Department at Chhote Mudpar of Kharsia at a cost of Rs 75 lakh, construction of Railway Over Bridge and Railway Under Bridge by the Public Works Department (Bridge) at a cost of Rs 64.95 crore, and 36 works under retrofitting schemes, 129 under single village scheme and 01 under the solar scheme in Kharsia, Raigarh and Pusaur by the Public Health Engineering Department at a cost of Rs 120.25 crore.